
Amazonas des Nordens

Der Great Bear Rainforest ist vielen Umweltbedrohungen ausgesetzt. Die Abholzung der gemäßigten Regenwälder, der Bau von Fischfarmen und Pipelines, kommerzieller Heringsfang im Frühjahr und die Trophäenjagd sind nur einige davon. Fotograf und Kameramann Niklas Weber dokumentiert die Herausforderungen dieses Ökosystems und erläutert mögliche Lösungen.

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Conservation of European Forests

European forest ecosystems face various threats. Many of them originate from the management and exploitation systems in the past. However, numerous solutions are being applied in the current day to establish a balance between forestry and biodiversity. Ecologist and photographer Jeroen van Wijk reveals the challenges and solutions to conserve these forests.

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The Darkest Hour

Conservation storyteller and alpinist, Luca Fontana, explores the disappearance of glaciers on his most beloved mountains. Shining a light on climate change, he illustrates that there is still hope to make a difference through immediate and collective action.

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