Die Community steht bei unserer Arbeit an vorderster Front. Sie ist der Kern unserer kollektiven Aktionen und Projekte. Entdecke inspirierende Naturschutzgeschichten, wertvolle Ressourcen und trage mit Deiner Stimme zur Veränderung bei.

Constantinos Christou

Déa Starlling

Federico Facchin

Geraldine Morelli

Jeroen van Wijk

Lana Tannir

Luca Fontana

Niklas Weber

Patricia Seaton

Reto Steffen

Romain Charrier

Wildlife Filmmaker
Constantinos Christou
Constantinos Christou is a Film graduate of Plymouth College of Art, working on productions of multiple scales around the globe. His initiative to select various filmmaking projects is to maintain his engagement with industry professionals, as well as the indie sphere simultaneously.
Constantinos believes that there is no single avenue to finding exciting and fulfilling projects. Therefore, he keeps himself open to all opportunities, no matter where they come from.

Biologist & Nature Photographer
Déa Starlling
Déa Starlling is a biologist, freelance wildlife photographer and loves to write about her adventures in nature. She has been working with wildlife photography since 2013, after five years supporting rehabilitation of rescued wild animals in Brazil.

Marine Biologist & Photographer
Federico Facchin
Federico Facchin is a marine biologist, science teacher, dive master and naturalist. Born in Italy, Federico’s passion for nature was fuelled by the surrounding environment of his youth. Growing up around the forests and fresh waters of the lakes and rivers in the Italian Dolomites, instilled in him a deep love and curiosity for surrounding nature and wildlife, especially the hidden life under the water’s surface.

Wildlife Conservationist
Geraldine Morelli
Geraldine Morelli is a wildlife photographer, conservationist and founder of the Wild & Free – Rescue and Rehabilitation charity, which supports projects for animal rescue, rehabilitation and release. Through grant support, fundraising and education, she has advanced wildlife conservation on an international basis.

Photographer & Ecologist
Jeroen van Wijk
Jeroen van Wijk (The Netherlands, 1996) started photographing wildlife around the age of twelve. Finding wildlife required understanding of the animals’ patterns and behaviours, which is where his passion for ecology originates from. During his BSc and MSc studies in Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University, The Netherlands, Jeroen improved his skills and knowledge to further understand wildlife and ecosystems. By combining scientific knowledge and photography, Jeroen aims to raise awareness of the beauty of nature and the need to conserve it.

Nature Photographer & Filmmaker
Lana Tannir
Lana Tannir ist die Gründerin und Redakteurin von Creatives for Conservation. Als professionelle Landschafts- und Wildlife-Fotografin und Filmemacherin hat sie sich auf Natur- und Tierschutzprojekte spezialisiert. Mit ihren Geschichten möchte sie den globalen Wandel fördern, indem sie das Bewusstsein schärft, die Bildung vorantreibt und die Menschen zum Handeln inspiriert.

Wilderness & Landscape Photographer
Luca Fontana
Luca Fontana (Italy, 1989) is a photographer and climate activist. His work is focused on raising awareness and presenting a new way to living in the wilderness, be less consumeristic, more respectful, and more in contact with nature. He defines himself as a voice for alpine environments.

Photographer & Filmmaker
Niklas Weber
Niklas Weber ist preisgekrönter Wildtier- Kameramann und Naturfotograf, Storyteller und Naturschützer. Er hat unter anderem für NatGeo Wild und Off the Fence Productions gearbeitet. Mit einzigartigen Wildtier-Geschichten und Perspektiven versucht Niklas, die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur zu stärken.

Wildlife & Conservation Photographer
Patricia Seaton
Patricia Seaton uses her photography to tell stories about wildlife conservation and animal welfare.She strives to create meaningful images to inspire others into action. She finds joy and purpose in showing others how extraordinary and powerful they really are.

Photographer & Filmmaker
Reto Steffen
Reto Steffen is passionate about giving a voice to people underrepresented in society. His work explores social and development issues by working together with NGOs and academics to put a face on complex issues and help bring them closer to an audience.

Nature Photographer
Romain Charrier
Fascinated by the natural elements, he is guided by a strong desire to capture nature authentically. Primitive and wild things represent the essence of his work that he tries to depict through photography with powerful stories going with it.

Storytelling promotes inspiration, teaches us about global issues, and illustrates how creativity can be used to incite change. We highlight stories about creative nature and wildlife conservation projects. Get in touch with your project or experience!